5 Reasons to Develop a Multipurpose Facility

Ice arenas, football fields, running tracks and weight rooms; would you believe they could all live under one roof in perfect harmony?

Multipurpose buildings and projects tend to get a bad rap. I’ve heard folks oppose a one-facility-fits-all approach because of the misconstrued notion that a multipurpose building sacrifices quality, which is invalid. A well-designed multipurpose facility can serve all your athletic needs while being a prominent beacon of the community.

Here are five reasons you should consider a multipurpose facility in your community.

1. You Save More on Development Costs

Building a multipurpose athletic facility can save money on development costs by reducing site costs, construction costs and design costs. Consolidating all athletic activities into one building requires less land and materials, resulting in lower site development and construction costs. Additionally, designing a single facility is more efficient than designing multiple buildings, leading to lower design fees and a quicker design process.

2. You Save More on Operational Cost

The savings continue once your building is completed. A multipurpose center can help save money on operational costs by reducing energy consumption, staffing and maintenance costs. 

Consolidating all athletic activities into one building eliminates the need for duplicate HVAC systems, lighting and other equipment. Likewise, a single staff can manage and maintain the entire facility, significantly saving on employee-related costs like equipment, salaries and benefits. 

The benefits of reduced life-cycle costs can add up over time, making a multipurpose building a smart investment for any organization.

3. There Are More Opportunities To Generate Revenue

Now that you’ve seen how multipurpose facilities can save on costs, let’s review how they create more revenue. A multipurpose facility can attract more users and generate higher usage rates by accommodating a wider range of activities and events. They can also offer diverse revenue streams, such as renting out event space, charging membership fees and offering concessions.

4. They Accommodate Different Age Groups and Interests

You can design a multipurpose facility to accommodate a range of activities and sports that appeal to people of all ages and skill levels, ensuring that every infant, toddler, millennial and senior can find what's right for them. They can also facilitate cross-generational activities, such as parent-child basketball leagues, creating opportunities for intergenerational bonding that may not be possible in single-sport facilities. 

The options are endless in a multipurpose facility. Utilize court space with pickleball, dance and aerobics (bonus points if your multipurpose facility includes a pool where water aerobics can be another programming option). Turn the field into a place for cheer teams to practice their flips. Add broomball or curling into your ice programming on top of hockey and figure skating.

Remember to have a couple of meeting rooms in your facility to allow community members a space for classes, club meetings, presentations or birthday parties.

5. They Create a Better Overall Experience

By sharing costs, you can give more of a “country club” experience. There’s something for everyone to do and something for everyone to use at a facility. While a daughter is out on the ice for hockey practice and a son is shooting hoops in the gym, a parent can be working out with a personal trainer, all while the youngest daughter is in a Girl Scout meeting plotting cookie sales for the year.

Multipurpose facilities promote a healthier lifestyle for the entire family, focusing on all-around wellness, ultimately lending itself to better weight management and nutrition in your community.

Make Your Multipurpose Facility a Reality

Multipurpose buildings have endless possibilities for cost savings, revenue generation and community enhancement. At HTG Architects, we’re passionate about helping our clients realize the benefits of a multipurpose facility to get the most out of their investment.  

We’ve helped hundreds of organizations throughout the upper Midwest create stunning facilities that do just that. If you’re considering bringing an athletic hub to your community, we can guide you through every step of the process. Start exploring your options today.

Talk to a Recreation Architect

Tom Moorse

Tom has nearly 30 years of experience in the architectural field and 14+ years with ice arenas. He has experience in many different areas, from design through construction. Tom manages projects and staff while developing lasting relationships with clients. He enjoys providing a high level of service while overseeing all the details of a project from start to finish.


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