Designed for Success
Developing recreation facilities has grown to become a core component of our architectural practice. The staff at HTG has elevated their recreational facility design experience over the last thirty years, which includes Programming and Feasibility Studies, design and development of both community-based and privately-held recreation facilities. Over that time, we have developed a deep understanding of how recreation facilities function.
Give Your Project A Real Shot.
Ice Rink Design
Successfully designing ice arenas requires experience, patience and resources. During our planning process, we explore the uniqueness of your project and the many opportunities it represents. We understand both the passion behind and the business of ice arenas.
HTG's team of design professionals, along with our preferred vendors stay on the cutting edge of innovation when it comes to ice arena design. We combine our talents, creative thinking and overall good judgment to ensure your ice arena has the best possible design approach.
Partnering with an experienced architect is going to give you an edge up on the market. There are a lot of seemingly small decisions that will have a large impact on both the functionality and profitability of an ice arena. After coordinating numerous ice arena design projects, we bring a level of expertise that will further ensure a successful rink. To us, it’s more than just ice.
Multi-Purpose Facilities
It seems these days that every sport has the need for additional access to facilities. It's true for basketball, volleyball, soccer, lacrosse, hockey - even pickleball! Projects are tasked with meeting the needs of a variety of groups and individuals. The good news is that by combining all these user groups together under one roof, your costs are minimized while your revenue is maximized. Combine turf, court and ice spaces together, and you start to gain some real efficiencies.
More and more, sports and athletics are becoming year-round activities. As a result, communities continue to build air-supported domes and fieldhouses. These facilities make it possible to practice, play and compete on indoor turf fields and courts. Choosing HTG for your multi-purpose facility means you're partnering with an architecture firm experienced in designing and coordinating all the moving pieces that come along with them.
Fitness Centers
We’ve worked with local fitness centers and one thing has become abundantly clear: No fitness center has funds or time to burn. Instead, they are models of efficiency known for accomplishing so much with so little. And we bring a similar mindset to fitness facility design.
In order to run efficiently, fitness centers need solid Programming and Feasibility Studies, tight design and state-of-the-art systems capable of helping the facility do more of its own heavy lifting. Fitness facilities also need efficient and functional spaces designed for individuals who visit the space.
At HTG Architects, we intentionally stay on top of trends, but we also stay focused on the larger picture of what needs to be accomplished with each fitness project. The right choices can have a lasting impact not only on the usability of a facility but its overall success with its members and its community. And of course, we understand the value of a fitness facility is worth showing off, too.
Project Highlights

Ice In Paradise
For more than three decades, Santa Barbara was without ice. Skaters and hockey players had to drive nearly an hour to access a rink. A couple of hockey enthusiasts, backed by a passionate community and a few notable donors, dreamed up Ice in Paradise - a public ice-skating arena for skating sports and recreation.